to news overview
November 29, 2021

Product Design students redesign the juvenile court of the future

The bachelor course Product Design in Arnhem collaborates with Radboud University to rethink and redesign the juvenile court of the future by bringing different disciplines together. How can design rethink social and emotional impact in spaces that are built to judge? What voices and perspectives are unheard? To what extend can we redesign? Design and law students worked together and made a presentation.

The Open Call _ Design for Justice participants presented their final works today, showcasing five projects highlighting critical zones in the legal process of the court. The final projects created space for dialogue, visual play, reflective encounters and playful modes for rethinking how design can contribute to justice in new ways.

This course was taught by ArtEZ guest tutor and designer Lisa Mandemaker, Judith van den Boom and Radboud University tutors Simon Tans, Annika Boh and Sophie Mommers. The Open Call was set up in collaboration with the organisation's Lawyers as Changemakers and supported by Young in Prison, the district court of Arnhem/Nijmegen, and legal professionals, such as judges, prosecutors, court clerks, lawyers, and young people as experienced experts. A big thanks to the students, team, Lawyers as Changemakers, Young in Prison and experts from Arnhem court for bringing this to a great outcome!